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Information & Characters

All the rules and information you need is located here! You'll definitely want to read it since we're not based on a series~
Ryo Avatar
Last Post in Setting & Plot by Ryo

Any important news and events coming from the staff will be posted here. Make sure to read it if you see a new post here!
Ryo Avatar
Last Post in Change Log by Ryo

Work in Progress, Pending, and Accepted characters can all be found here as well as information needed to make them such as applications and FC listings.
blazewind Avatar
Last Post in WIP. Eled Alphim by blazewind

After getting your character accepted, post an Inventory here with all the relevant information. You can also use this to keep track of threads and relationships if you want.
Wulfric Wilheim Avatar

Wanna go on a quest or explore a dungeon? Apply here and it'll happen
Dorothea Prevedell Avatar

Got plenty of gold and XP after that quest you want to spend? All the shops are located here!
Ryo Avatar
Last Post in Sasha's Savings by Ryo

There's a lot out there in the world and we may not think of everything you could possibly find. If you think of something you want to see on the site, post it here!
Lorrevan Ruuz Avatar

If you have any questions pertaining to the site or information about the world, post here and the staff will answer! Make sure you check if a question has already been asked or not.
Jack Jewel Avatar
Last Post in Avatar by Jack Jewel

Looking for a particular character to go with yours? May be you want to plan a pair or group of characters? May be you just want to plan out a dramatic plot where someone's the father. Use this board to let people know you're looking for something~
Wilhelm Falkenhath Avatar

Terra Heroum

Located to the south east is the City-State of Andor, home to the Human Representative. It is a wide-spread city surrounded by a large defensive wall, divided into several districts with defensive walls between each district. In the center of Andor is the Representative's Estate.
Aaliyah Avatar

To the north is the City-state of Ba'dagar, home to the Beastfolk Representative. The city has no defensive walls, but relies on cracks in the ground and a higher elevation as its defenses. For those without flight, bridges and stairs are the means of getting around. It is a very open city with a massive compound in the middle to act as the location of the Representative.
Wulfric Wilheim Avatar

To the south-west is the City-State of Cydonia, home of the Elven Representative. Due to its location in a floodplain, they have built upwards rather than outwards, resulting in much of the city being contained in large white tours interlinked by bridges and roads. The land between is difficult to navigate, making it perfect for the specially trained cavalry of Cydonia to fend off attackers.
Savas Lambros Avatar

Home to the High Council Chamber and center of Terra Heroum is the city of Dracon. A massive wall surrounds the city, with all traffic in and out regulated through three central gates; one in the direction of each of the City-States. A massive tower in the center stands as the High Council Chamber.
Taksaka Avatar

The plains surrounding Dracon and including the three City-States. Immediately around Dracon is mostly grasslands, a mix of forests and wetlands to the southwest near Cydonia, plateaus and highlands to the north near Ba'dagar, and plains with some elevated regions to the southeast near Andor.
Sasha Rivello Avatar

The forests to the west of Dracon, once named for the Elves that once dominated the trees. Now it is simply referred to due to the Cydonian patrols that ensure travelers can safely pass. Many Phantasms lurk in the woods and hide in the trees.
Savas Lambros Avatar
Last Post in Culling Duty by Savas Lambros

The marshlands that blend into the Cydonian Woods and the coastline beyond it. Since the line between them isn't a definite one most just consider them one in the same.
Sasha Rivello Avatar

The mountains to the east and north of Terra Heroum, named for the numerous Dragon hoards once located in their depths. While they are not settled, they have been tread and paths through have been mapped, but the areas beyond are still mostly a mystery.
Wulfric Wilheim Avatar

Fields of tall grass mark the southern borders of Terra Heroum with a small coastline just beyond. Coastal winds often blow through making it a very windy place. It is a favored scenic route by travelling merchants though some of the smaller Phantasms and animals call it home in the brush.
Ulrich Thistle Avatar

An island to the southwest of Terra Heroum. Though not much can be seen about it from the coast, its silhouette constantly sits on the horizon, marking the island with a tall mountain peak that reaches up to the clouds.
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OOC Board

If you're new to the site then feel free to introduce yourself and meet some new friends, or if you're gonna be gone for a little while then let us know!
Sasha Rivello Avatar

A place to do some general discussion, may be place some OOC games with people, in general relaxing.
Brielle Holly Avatar

Post here if you want to advertise another board or affiliate with us! GUEST FRIENDLY
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Last Post in Naruto: Fallen Blades by Phantasm

All old threads, characters, events, etc. will be sorted here.
Ryo Avatar

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