
A large, single-story compound to the north-east of the Representative's that acts as home and workshop to the majority of craftsman in Ba'dagar. They hold that being in such a concentration of creativity helps to inspire them, and certainly their productivity is nothing to laugh at.
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A large enclosed structure that acts as the combat arena for the people of Ba'dagar. Matches are fought by warriors paid to entertain the people, as well as it being used for tournaments, grudge matches, and even at times legal disputes.
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A demonstration of the skillful naming of the Beastfolk, it is a large circular structure similar to a tower, but with a wide base and a steadily narrowing diameter as you move upwards. The bottom floor is a public visiting and training area, with the upper floors containing the Representative's quarters and work area.
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City-state of Ba'dagar

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Activity Check #1
Ryo 26 2,214 by Ryo
Apr 1, 2015 22:17:52 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling My CIty, My Responsibility [Open]
Wulfric Wilheim 0 564 by Wulfric Wilheim
Apr 18, 2015 10:40:40 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling [Quest/Event] Keeping The Dead In The Ground
Taksaka 6 407 by Taksaka
Apr 8, 2015 15:22:22 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling [Quest] Clearing the Hovel
Taksaka 17 962 by Brielle Holly
Feb 15, 2015 15:56:17 GMT -5

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To the north is the City-state of Ba'dagar, home to the Beastfolk Representative. The city has no defensive walls, but relies on cracks in the ground and a higher elevation as its defenses. For those without flight, bridges and stairs are the means of getting around. It is a very open city with a massive compound in the middle to act as the location of the Representative.
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